30 Years of weba Woolmaking: A Celebration of Innovation and Community

Dietach, Austria - In September, weba Werkzeugbau celebrated its 30th anniversary with a three-day event that brought together customers, partners, employees and their families. The celebrations offered a perfect mix of looking back, entertainment and insights into the future of the company.

Day 1: VIP evening with customers and partners

The celebrations began with an exclusive VIP evening to which numerous weba customers and partners were invited. The highlight of the evening was a multimedia presentation highlighting weba's impressive company history. Podium interviews with the company founders Herbert Danzinger and Wolfgang Haidenthaler provided insights into the challenges and successes of the last three decades. A special highlight of the evening was the mental magic show by two-time Austrian national champion and international award winner Christian-Christian, who enchanted the audience with his fascinating performance.

Day 2: Employee party

The second day was all about the weba employees. In the afternoon, an exciting soccer match took place between the weba employees and the Griwe Haynrode customer team. After a thrilling match, the Griwe Haynrode team emerged victorious. In the evening, the winners were duly honored, and there was a special award for the employees who have been with the company for many years. This recognition underlined the importance of long-term employee loyalty for weba's success.

Day 3: Open day

On the third day, weba opened its doors to families and friends. Visitors were able to admire numerous vehicles for which components were produced using weba forming tools. A colorful children's program with a bouncy castle, handicrafts, painting, games and an exciting Segway course made children's eyes light up. The highlight for relatives, however, was the guided tour of the company, during which they were given an exclusive insight into weba's production processes and innovations.

The three-day celebration not only highlighted the success and innovative strength of weba Werkzeugbau, but also the strong community and commitment that characterize the company. weba looks back on the past 30 years with pride and looks forward to many more years full of challenges and successes.

About weba Werkzeugbau:

Since its foundation in 1982, weba Werkzeugbau has established itself as a leading specialist in the manufacture of tools for hot forming and forming technology. With over 300 qualified employees at locations in Austria and the Czech Republic, weba combines state-of-the-art technology with in-depth expertise to offer its customers customized and innovative solutions.


VIP-Abend für Kunden und Partner

Dietacher Bürgermeister Johannes Kampenhuber mit Gattin (links) sowie die Vizebürgermeisterin und Obfrau des Ausschusses für Generation (Jugend, Familie, Senioren) und Kultur Sabine Schröck (rechts)

Zauberkünstler ChristianChristian, 2-facher Staatsmeister und internationaler Preisträger, brachte die Gäste zum STaunen.

v.l.n.r. Unternehmensgründer Herbert Danzinger und Wolfgang Haidenthaler, Geschäftsführer Hannes Feuerhuber und Moderator Wolfgang Krist

Marketingleitung Jasmina Tricic