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weba Werkzeugbau Betriebs GmbH
Weba-Straße 2, A-4407 Dietach
Tel.: +43 7252 72807
GPS: 48°05'17.8"N 14°25'44.1"E

Court of Registration: Steyr, AT
Commercial Register Number: FN 120 460y
VAT Number: ATU24214106
Managing Director: Hannes Feuerhuber

Professional Association: Provincial Guild of Metal Technicians; Division of Trade and Craft; WKOÖ
Business Purpose: Production of metal goods, trade in products and goods of all kinds
Authority according to ECG: District Administration Steyr - Land
Trade and professional law affiliation: WKÖ, WKOÖ


weba Olomouc, s.r.o.
K Mrazírnám 209/16, CZ-779 00 Bystrovany 
Tel.: +420 585 511 552

Court of Registration: Ostrava
Commercial Register Number: C 45665
VAT Number: CZ47672153


weba Deutschland GmbH
Max-Planck-Straße 20, DE-33104 Paderborn
Tel.: +49 5254 947 87 0

Court of Registration: Siegen
Commercial Register Number: HRB 14119
VAT Number:DE451506195


Gatzsch Schweißtechnik GmbH
Askay 13, DE-57439 Attendorn
Tel.: +49 2722 6575 220



Editorial Policy: This website provides information about our company, our products and services, and the industry in which we operate. It serves as a platform for providing current company news, product- and industry-specific blogs, and for promoting our brand. It is available to the public, our customers, and partners.

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